Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Yepaz

Welcome to the distinctive universe of Yepaz! Beyond our stories and blogs, your digital privacy reigns supreme in our world. As you meander through our pages, we vow to honor the confidentiality of your information. Delve into our unique privacy tapestry we’ve woven just for you.

Our Information Collection

The Real You: Upon alighting on Yepaz, if you decide to intertwine your story with ours, we may ask for unique threads of your essence like your name, the whisper of your email, and other such strands.

Digital Footprints in our Sandbox: We keep an eye on your ethereal trails: IP addresses, browser whispers, the lunar cycles of your visits, and the starry paths you came from.

Cookie Crumbs: Just as stars leave trails in the universe, our cookies illuminate your preferences. They’re for your convenience, but you can choose to see them or not in your browser cosmos.

How We Use Your Information

Polishing Stars: With every sparkle of feedback, we morph, adapting to serve you a brighter constellation of content.

Galactic Missives: Occasionally, we’ll send you comet-tails of updates, nebulous news, or celestial security alerts.

Promotional Nebulae: If you let us, we’ll send astral beams of offers, galaxies away from spam. You can always opt to drift away from these beams.

Protection of Your Information

Cosmic Shields: Your stardust is sacred. We use ethereal barriers to thwart any cosmic invaders aiming to disrupt our galaxy.

Temporal Vortex: We hold onto your stardust only for the time it takes to orbit around our purposes.

Celestial Partnerships: We never barter with black holes or untrusted galaxies. Only the most venerable of star allies may aid us in data analysis or supporting your journey.

Your Rights

Stellar Glimpses: Request a mirror to the past and see the stardust we’ve gathered about you.

Celestial Corrections: If we’ve misconstrued a star in your constellation, guide us to its rightful place.

Void Wishes: Should you wish, under certain cosmic alignments, to cast away some stardust, signal us.

Cosmic Constraints: You can navigate the orbits, restricting our dance with your stardust or objecting to a particular astral pattern.

Protectors of the Young Stars

The young stars, those under 13, are not to be lost in our cosmic tapestry. We shield them by not knowingly tracing their stardust or tales.

Changes to this Policy

As the universe evolves, so do our stardust vows. When we rewrite the constellations, we’ll light up a beacon to guide you to the changes.

Contact Us

For queries, insights, or starlit wishes related to this privacy cosmos, get in touch at:

Thank you for your dance in the Yepaz universe. May our orbits forever remain harmonious.